Fecha Publicación: 04-03-2022
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has faced questions recently about his eldest son’s rental of a luxury home in Houston that was owned at the time by an executive of a main contractor of state-oil company Pemex. López Obrador’s son and his partner said they rented the home at fair-market value and deny any wrongdoing. But the revelations have led critics of the president to question his image as an anti-corruption crusader, and López Obrador has lashed out at journalists who have been covering the story. How is the case affecting López Obrador’s agenda and public support? How well has the Mexican president handled questions about the case? More than halfway through his six-year term, how well has López Obrador fought corruption in his own administration?
Andrés Rozental, member of the Advisor board and president of Rozental & Asociados: “Given that López Obrador was elected president largely on his anti-corruption promises, and that he has proven to be largely ineffectual in actually reducing or ending corruption in the public sector, it shouldn’t be surprising that any evidence of conflicts of interest or misdeeds among his own family or those close to him would be singled out and duly publicized by media and other civil society organizations. AMLO’s image as an anti-corruption crusader had already been damaged by two of his brothers receiving bags of unregistered cash for political campaigns and by family members having close ties to public sector projects, as well as by other government officials seen as corrupt but who are not being investigated or prosecuted.
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